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    Here comes Shirin, the innocent, clever, practical girl who is always getting into trouble and learns important lessons along the way! This series tells the funny stories of the naughty-but-nice Shirin in her life at school and at home. This series is not to be missed by any kid with a love for mischief, jokes and adventure! It also gives a different sort of reading experience with snappy pictures and active design which place it somewhere between a graphic novel and a chapter book. Especially late elementary and middle school readers will enjoy these books.

    Format :Kitap
    Barkod :9786050815320
    Yayın Tarihi :2014-01-18
    Yayın Dili :İngilizce
    Orjinal Adı :Shirin – Gets Down to Business
    Baskı Sayısı :1.Baskı
    Sayfa Sayısı :96
    Kapak :Karton
    Kağıt :1.Hamur
    Boyut :125 X 195
    Emeği Geçenler :
    Yazar   : Birsen Ekim Özen
    Yazar   : Birsen Ekim Özen
    Yazar   : Birsen Ekim Özen;Birsen Ekim Özen
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