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    Sadece stokta olanlar : 
    Toplam 129 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 120-140 / Aktif Sayfa : 7
    Starting from 4-5 years old, children question their existence, heaven and hell, and try to understand their surroundings through the questions they keep asking, which sometimes may leave parents helpless. The series "I´m Learning My Religion" comes up at this point to assist you with the lovely stories that your kids will also enjoy. The authors wrote the series under the guidance of pedagogs to provide children with fulfilling answers they are looking for.
    Starting from 4-5 years old, children question their existence, heaven and hell, and try to understand their surroundings through the questions they keep asking, which sometimes may leave parents helpless. The series "I´m Learning My Religion" comes up at this point to assist you with the lovely stories that your kids will also enjoy. The authors wrote the series under the guidance of pedagogs to provide children with fulfilling answers they are looking for.
    Starting from 4-5 years old, children question their existence, heaven and hell, and try to understand their surroundings through the questions they keep asking, which sometimes may leave parents helpless. The series "I´m Learning My Religion" comes up at this point to assist you with the lovely stories that your kids will also enjoy. The authors wrote the series under the guidance of pedagogs to provide children with fulfilling answers they are looking for.
    Starting from 4-5 years old, children question their existence, heaven and hell, and try to understand their surroundings through the questions they keep asking, which sometimes may leave parents helpless. The series "I´m Learning My Religion" comes up at this point to assist you with the lovely stories that your kids will also enjoy. The authors wrote the series under the guidance of pedagogs to provide children with fulfilling answers they are looking for.
    Starting from 4-5 years old, children question their existence, heaven and hell, and try to understand their surroundings through the questions they keep asking, which sometimes may leave parents helpless. The series "I´m Learning My Religion" comes up at this point to assist you with the lovely stories that your kids will also enjoy. The authors wrote the series under the guidance of pedagogs to provide children with fulfilling answers they are looking for.
    Starting from 4-5 years old, children question their existence, heaven and hell, and try to understand their surroundings through the questions they keep asking, which sometimes may leave parents helpless. The series "I´m Learning My Religion" comes up at this point to assist you with the lovely stories that your kids will also enjoy. The authors wrote the series under the guidance of pedagogs to provide children with fulfilling answers they are looking for.
    Çalışırken hedeflerinizi düşününü.. Niçin çalıştığınızı hatırlayın.. Çalışma masanıza yürürken şöyle diyebilirsiniz: "Şimdi hedefime doğru bir adım daha atacağım!" Bu tavır size gelişigüzel bir çalışmanın tattıramayacağı zevki verecektir. Başkaları için çalıştığını, başkaları için öğrendiğini zanneden öğrenciler az değildir. Ders çalışırken kendiniz için uğraştığınızı, kendi hayatınızın temellerini attığınızı bir an bile aklınızdan çıkarmayın. Elde edeceğiniz güzel sonuçlar, herşeyden önce sizin işinize yar
    Çağdaşlaşmayı dünyanın değişen koşullarına ve hızlı ilerlemeye uyum sağlamak ve ileri ülkelerle aramızdaki ayırımları ortadan kaldırmak olarak anlayınca, dil önemli bir unsur olmaktadır. Bu nedenle ikinci bir dilin gerekliliği tartışmasız götürmez.
    Devleti tabulaştıran ve onu dokunulmaz hale getiren Anadolu insanı; devletini öyle büyütülmüş ve irileştirmiş, kökleşmesine ve dal budak sarmasına öylesine göz yummuş ki; bugün koskoca ülkede devletin karışmadığı, el atmadığı, burnunu sokmadığı hiçbir iş ve alan kalmamıştır. Eğitimde devlet, sağlıkta devlet, sanayide devlet, sosyal güvenlikte devlet... Devlet sanayi tesisleri kurar; içki üretir, sigara üretir, bez üretir, ayakkabı üretir. Devlet çiftlik kurar, domates ve biber üretir, at ve inek yetiştirir
    Sadece stokta olanlar : 
    Toplam 129 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 120-140 / Aktif Sayfa : 7